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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some People Are More Equal Than Others – GOOGLE

  1. Is Google search engine’s algorithm biased towards some websites/blogs owned by Google employees? Yes
  2. Does PR really depend on nth number of factors? No
  3. Is Google biased in giving higher PR values to its top level employees’ website/blog? Yes
  4. Why urchin.js is still continued by top Google person?
  5. Why not Google top person did not switch to ga.js in his blog despite Google describing great features of ha.js analytics (the new analytics tracking code)? (Google Tracking code)

Yes these questions have crept into my mind when I have recently got a chance to go through Matt Cutts’s blog (

I’m surprised to find that his every blog page has Google PR 7. Just check by yourself. What is so special that Matt Cutts’ blog PR is equal to, a popular blog on social networking theme? I cease to think that Mashable’s quality of news, opinion and content are of equal values as that of Matt Cutts’ personal blog. Not every webpage of has PR =7 as you find in Matt Cutts’ blog.

You can also take any top website and compare with Matt Cutts’ blog interms of Google PR and you will end up with your understanding that Google prefers Matt Cutts’ blog to any other top blog/website. Based on the above observation, I continue to believe that Google is biased unless Matt Cutts himself explains this dichotomy to me?

SEO Analysis – and Matt Cutts’s blog

Link Analysis

4,340 (Matt Cutts)

7,420 (mashable)

Webpage Index

433,000 (mashable)

1,230 (Matt Cutts)

Estimated Traffic

Estimate 1,163,900 visits in the previous 30 days (Mashable)

Estimate 170,000 visits in the previous 30 days.(Matt Cutts)

After a quick glance, you’ll amazed at the facts that in terms of traffic, link, and page index, stands at the top while Matt Cutts’ blog stands at lower ebb. Nevertheless, Matt Cutts’ maximum blog pages have PR 7 while mashable’s not.

I have no personal affiliation with mashable not grudge against Matt Cutts’ blog. You can compare any other top website or blog with Matt Cutts and more you’ll find the same results. The best tool is either Google Insight or Google trends whichever you use.

My First Conclusion

This analysis has made me believe that Google’s algorithm is not automated but it can be manipulated

Further if you view the source code of Matt Cutts’s blog, you’ll find that his blog has old tracking Google Analytics Code. Just have a look at the following screen shot.

Well its his personal choice whether he implements old version or new tracking analytics code. Right?

If this is true then why Google suggests to implement new version tracking code for additional features. Does Matt Cutts don’t want additional features despite the fact that Google says “urchin.js will continue to function for at least a year after the new version is released, and possibly longer.” It means Google may scarp old version tracking code after some days, months or years. Matt Cutts might not know this….is he really? Or web analytics hardly matters for Matt Cutts? If this is true, Avinash Kaushik must be hurt. :)

While Google offers whole lot of suggestions on DIY SEO for one’s own website for Google ranking and holds a favorable opinion on new tracking Google Analytics code, why Matt Cutts fails to obey this? Is this a mere coincidence or something else?

Second Conclusion

If Matt Cutts is the role model for many guys and many SEO companies approach to know his personal opinion, why he himself forgets to implement new version Analytics code in his blog? Is web analytics no more important to him or he is not aware of additional benefits (features) that Google Analytics 2.0 claims?

Nevertheless, his blog gets higher preference than others (for example This reminds me of George Orwell’ novel -Some animals are more equal than others. In Google’s single sovereignty, this means some people are more equal than others. If Google PR is judged how important an employee of Google is, then ‘o guys’ first build your name and then use your brand name to blog. Google will look more of a brand name of yours than brand visibility and popularity of your website.


  1. Thanks for some information that are stated here.

  2. Does Matt really need that popularity though? Maybe he doesn't care.

  3. I'm glad to have visited your blog and good to know you! I find it interesting and informative.

  4. It is a very nice and good post. Keep up the good work.


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